Interfaith Power & Light’s Faith Climate Action Week, 2023
/IPL’s President, Rev. Susan Hendershot hosted a webinar conversation with Roger Sorkin, filmmaker, and The Rev. Gerald Durley, IPL’s Board Chair Emeritus, featured in one of the films. 110 people attended the webinar.
The film series Current Revolution offered by the American Resilience Project was chosen by Interfaith Power & Light (IPL) to be the featured film of IPL’s 2023 Faith Climate Action Week, their annual big spring week of action, where congregations across the nation are invited to preach, teach, and act to heal the climate. The films aligned with the 2023 Faith Climate Action Week theme, Living the Golden Rule: A Just Transition to a Clean Energy Economy.
ARP offered free screening rights to IPL congregations and religious organizations to screen the films to their groups during or around the week.
370 screenings were held, with approximately 11,056 film viewers at these events, estimated by the screening hosts. In addition, approximately 532 individuals viewed the film at home, not part of a group screening, for a total of approximately 11,588 viewers.
IPL would like to thank ARP for the generous offer of free screening rights for this film series and for allowing IPL to print DVDs for congregations that prefer that technology. The 100 DVDs we printed sold out early; we wish we had printed more to meet continuing demand! But it was too late in the spring to have them arrive in time.