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"Tidewater" w/ NOAA IRC Seminar Series: Tidal Flooding, Sea Level Rise, and the Military Sector

  • GoToWebinar (**link and login information will be provided the week of the event) (map)

The University of Hawaiʻi Sea Grant College Program is pleased to invite you to an exciting online event focused on impacts from tidal flooding and sea level rise on the military sector. The intent of this screening is to provide an opportunity for dialogue on sea-level rise adaptation, explore existing tools, and share expertise.  

Please use this link to register by July 27th:

This event is part of the NOAA IRC Seminar Series and will feature a screening of Tidewater, the award-winning film from the American Resilience Project, followed by a panel discussion from local climate and resilience experts. We are excited to announce that Roger Sorkin, Director of Tidewater and Founder and Executive Director of the American Resilience Project, will be online to personally introduce his film. 

The screening will be followed by a facilitated discussion with our invited panelists, Katy Hintzen (University of Hawaiʻi Sea Grant College), Dr. Phil Thompson (University of Hawaiʻi Sea Level Center), Captain Barry Choy (UH Marine Center), Jessica Podoski (US Army Corps of Engineers), and others as well as a brief question and answer session. Registration will close on July 27th. Please share event information (and attached flyer) with anyone in your networks who may be interested.